Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Make Your Computer Talk !

Yeah its a really big story behind this hack,
I was just wandering here and there on the net,
and then something tickled in my head that, How cool it would it would be
if i have my box talking and telling me stats of the computer just for fun
It would also produce that hacker felling in to and would be so cool to Show OFF !!

After few rounds of Mine on internet on searching on Google i couldn't
Find on it but then i thought to code it because there was no choice left for me 
So i just picked my laptop and got with VBS.
Its really cool to code on vbs because its really simple and easy,
So i just went on with it
and produces this little hope you all like its :)

Just Follow these Simple Steps :-

1. Open Notepad.
2. Copy the following code and paste in the notepad.

Dim msg, sapi
msg="8ahiaushdiuhasd7w2uh7kahsudha Is the Code For you Hacker next is 7aygsdyagd7aw7dgiauw6twr2jsddd There is good code Hacker e812ge8"
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
3. Save it as Talker.vbs. 
4. Then RUN it.
5. And WOOOOSH…………!!!!!
6. The Computer starting to talk by it self.
7. You can also edit it if you want to talk anything else ;)
    For that just Edit the content of   msg=" # " In second line of this code.
8. If you wan to stop it,its really simple just Follow the steps :-
    a. Hit CTRL +  ALT  + DEL  >> that will open the task manager.
    b. Choose Processes TAB   >> to view the running processes.talk
    c. Find wbscript.exe in the list,Select it and the Hit End Process Button.
9. And then Enjoy !!

Some think you would like to know to grow your knowledge !!

Speech Application Programming Interface (SAPI) is an audio interface that was developed to use within Windows operating systems, the idea behind SAPI was to make possible the use of speech synthesis and recognition within the function of various Windows applications

Its really cool to SHOW OFF in front of others,
as to show them that you are a great hacker
a screen saver of matrix would be like a desert on it !!!
Its really a small hack i use to in my free time.
Just wanted to share with you Guys !!

Well Happy Hacking !! 

Impress Your Friends With Invisible Folders !!

There have been many questions on how we actually hide a folder in windows Xp box.hack friends
well its not that tuff if you have brain with some computer :) 
This technique is my old school way i have used many  times in need !
Look there is no point in creating hidden folders 
because you can just go to -

Tools > View >
Show hidden files and folders
But there are many other ways by which you can easily trick your friend or even foe !
just follow these really simple steps and make your friend go ZOOM !!!

Follow these steps: 

1. Right click in a directory and go to New Folder. 

2. Right click and then go to rename. 

3. Delete the name and press Alt + 255. This will make the text disappear. 
   NOTE : Please use the Numpad of you computer for pressing Alt + 255 or else it will not work !!


4. Right click on the folder once again but this time go to properties. Click on the"Customize" tab and go to the bottom where it says "Change Icon".

5. Scroll over and choose a blank icon like in this picture  : 

hack friend

One Minor flaw is that when you highlight the area with the folder, a small rectangle shows, indicating something is there. Also if you change the view to "Details" it will show it in Description. 

This is great for hiding folders because if the even if the person highlights the area, they would have to know it was there.


Hope You all get it !!
if any problem comes please don't forget to comment below . So we can go rocking !!

Please don't forget to subscribe to get these hacks straight in your inbox !!
Happy Hacking !!

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Cara mengubah powerpoint dll. menjadi format PDF

       Portable Document Format atau sering di sebut PDF adalah format file yang sering kita dengar. misalnya saja e-book, hampir semuanya memakai format ini. PDF dipilih karena salah satu kemampuannya yang dapat di buka dalam berbagai gadget misalnya PC, iphone, mobile phone, dsb. selain itu file PDF juga bisa langsung terlihat di browser saat anda mengakses direct link file ini dari suatu website.

       Walaupun harus mengorbankan keindahan animasi yang anda buat, pengkonversian file powerpoint anda ke format PDF ini kami rasa cukup efektif. terutama untuk anda yang ingin membuat modul / e-book.
Lalu bagaimana cara mengubahnya? untuk powerpoint 2010 anda bisa langsung menyimpan powerpoint ke format PDF di dalam menu save as.

ScreenHunter 01 Oct. 04 17.061 Cara mengubah powerpoint menjadi format PDF  Sayangnya untuk powerpoint 2007 fitur ini tidak langsung ada, tapi tidak usah khawatir, silakan download 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF di sini . Dan perlu anda ketahui fitur ini bekerja di seluruh office (tidak hanya powerpoint).
Bagaimana? tertarik memakai format PDF? Semoga bermanfaat.